Oral cancer screening

Man undergoing oral cancer screening at dentist

When you visit Hampton Beach Dentists for a check-up and clean, we’re not just examining your teeth. We actually look at the health of your entire mouth to assess your overall oral health, including any signs of oral cancer.

How do you perform an oral cancer screening?

People with oral cancer often don’t have other symptoms, which makes regular screening so important. An oral cancer screen is a quick and painless examination of your mouth for any signs of cancer, or pre-cancerous conditions. You probably have never even noticed that your dentist performs this screening each time you visit us.

While performing a visual examination of your mouth and checking out your teeth and gums for any signs of decay, we take the opportunity to take a good look at your tongue, the roof of your mouth, your lips and your throat for any abnormalities, such as red or white patches or mouth sores.

Your dentist will also gently feel all the soft tissue in your mouth to check for any lumps or swollen areas.

If your dentist finds anything that may be a concern, further testing will be required, such as a biopsy of the affected area.

How common is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a growing healthcare problem, with the World Health Organisation ranking it the 13th most common cancer worldwide. If caught early, oral cancer is highly treatable, which is why regular screenings are so important.

Who is most at risk of oral cancer?

Oral cancer mostly affects people over the age of 60, however, younger people can also develop oral cancer, just at lower rates of incidence.

There are a few lifestyle habits that can significantly increase your risk of oral cancer, including:

  • Smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes
  • Vaping
  • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol
  • Significant sun exposure

People who have human papillomavirus (HPV) or a family history of oral cancer are also at a higher risk.

How long has it been since your last dental check-up?

To keep your oral health in tip-top shape, we strongly recommend that you see a dentist every 6 months for a check-up and oral cancer screening.

If your busy schedule has kept you from visiting the dentist this year, it’s time to make an appointment. Give us a call on 03 9598 5666 or book online to schedule in for that check-up at our Hampton dental practice. We hope to see you soon.