Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

You deserve to be the best version of yourself. That is why we offer solutions such as dental bridges to give you a smile that is like new again.

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is a way of restoring your smile when a tooth is missing.

We often recommend a bridge for patients who have lost a tooth, leaving a space with teeth on either side. Our experienced team place dental crowns on the teeth on either side of the gap and then connect a false tooth to the crowns to bridge this gap.

Benefits of a dental bridge

A dental bridge can:

  • close the gap created by a missing tooth.
  • improve your biting function so you can enjoy the foods you love.
  • prevent neighbouring teeth from moving.
  • produce a natural-looking result.
  • give you the confidence that comes with a great-looking smile.

Dental bridges are one of a few ways to replace missing teeth. We take a “no surprises” approach and our trustworthy team will always give you clear explanations about your options before drawing up a treatment plan suited to your unique needs.

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