Get them comfortable at the dentist
We understand that not everyone may like visiting the dentist; however, it is vital that children get used to coming in to see the dentist while they are young to help them form good lifelong associations. Our approachable, down-to-earth, and easy going team are here to put your family at ease and to ensure your children always have a pleasant experience when they visit us.
While children are growing, we monitor their facial growth and dental development closely. This will help avoid crowding of teeth and jaw issues. We also assess and address factors such as large tonsils, sleep apnoea or snoring, mouth breathing, and thumb sucking.
By bringing your children to see us from a young age we can diagnose problems early and your child will develop a happy, healthy, trusting relationship with their dentist.
When should I make my child’s first appointment?
We recommend that children start seeing the dentist at pre-school age.
You are welcome to bring them in earlier if you have any questions or concerns.
Generally we recommend young children see their dentist every 6 months. We will talk to you more about this at your appointment.
What about teenagers and their teeth?
If your child plays a contact sport, a fitted mouthguard from your dentist offers the best protection. Chat to us about the colours and styles available.
Sugary sports drinks
Energy and sports drinks contain high levels of acid and sugar. These can start destroying teeth after only a few days of consumption. Damaged enamel can cause sensitivity and susceptibility to decay and cavities.
Child Dental Benefits Schedule
We support the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) and we bulk bill all eligible children.
The Government Funded Child Dental Benefits Schedule is now available for families with children aged 2-17.
The CDBS is means tested for those receiving Family Tax Benefit Part A or a relevant Australian Government payment. If eligible, each child receives up to $1,000 over 2 calendar years for preventative and restorative dentistry
Eligible services include:
- Examinations
- X-rays
- Cleaning
- Fissure sealing
- Fillings
- Root canals
- Extractions
- Dentures
To check your family’s eligibility, please contact Medicare.