• 3 Railway Walk Sth, Hampton VIC 3188
  • email@hamptonbeachdentists.com.au

Are you missing a tooth and feeling a bit self-conscious about it?

A dental bridge is an effective way to restore your smile when a tooth is missing.

We often recommend a bridge for patients who have lost a tooth, leaving a space with teeth on either side. Our experienced team place dental crowns on the teeth on either side of the gap and then connect a false tooth to the crowns to bridge this gap.

Benefits of a dental bridge

A dental bridge can:

  • Close the gap created by a missing tooth.
  • Improve your biting function so you can enjoy the foods you love.
  • Prevent neighbouring teeth from moving.
  • Produce a natural-looking result.
  • Give you the confidence that comes with a great-looking smile.

Ready to explore your options?

Alongside dental bridges, dental implants are another popular solution for people who have lost one or more teeth due to tooth decay or injury. 

If you’re dealing with a missing tooth, the team at Hampton Beach Dentists can help to explore your replacement options. We take a “no surprises” approach and our dentists will always give you clear explanations about your options before drawing up a treatment plan suited to your unique needs.

To make an appointment, please call us on 03 9598 5666.

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Let us brighten your smile.