Dental crowns vs fillings: Which is best for you?

Hampton Beach Dentists - Dental crowns or fillings

When it comes to restoring your teeth after damage or decay, you have several options available. Two of the most common treatments are dental crowns and fillings. But how do you determine which one is right for you?

At Hampton Beach Dentists, we aim to make this decision as straightforward as possible. With extensive training and experience in tooth restorations, we will guide you through your options to make sure you feel comfortable and confident in your choice. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore dental fillings and crowns, offering insights into when we would recommend each treatment and explaining the treatment process in detail.

What’s a dental filling and why would I need one?

If you’ve been experiencing sensitivity to hot or cold foods or discomfort when chewing, then you might need a filling.  At times also, before you experience symptoms, we may diagnose decay or a crack in a tooth at its early stages.

Fillings commonly involve removing tooth decay or the compromised part of tooth and replacing it with filling material. It’s a very common dental procedure.

Fillings are used to restore: 

  • Cavities/Decay
  • Tooth wear
  • Small breaks or cracks

What does getting a filling involve?

Getting a dental filling is pretty straightforward and is usually completed in a single visit to our practice. There is also little to no downtime after getting a filling, so you will be able to go straight back to work after the procedure.

  1. Once you’re nice and comfortable in the dental chair, we will numb the tooth.
  2. The decay will be removed, leaving behind only healthy tooth.
  3. The filling material is then put in place and set with a special light.
  4. The filling will be shaped to ensure it fits with your bite and the surface will be polished for a smooth finish.

After your dental filling is placed, you might experience numbness in your mouth for a few hours. You may be asked to avoid chewing on that side for the few hours following your procedure.

It’s common to experience some sensitivity around the area of your filling, but this should gradually ease over a few days. 

What’s a dental crown and why would I need one?

Dental crowns are recommended for more severe cases of tooth damage or decay, where the strength of the tooth has been compromised.  

Unlike a filling – which is more like a patch for your tooth to fix a small cavity – a crown covers your tooth on all sides and acts like a cap to protect the entire structure of the tooth. 

Dental crowns can be made of ceramic/porcelain, gold, base metal alloys, and other materials. Our crowns are custom-made for every patient based on their preferences, using the best quality materials at a local laboratory in Melbourne with whom we have worked alongside for 20 years.

Crowns are used for: 

  • Extensive tooth decay that compromises the tooth’s structure
  • Large fractures that weaken the tooth
  • Protecting the treated tooth after a root canal treatment

What does getting a dental crown involve? 

The dental crown procedure is a multi-step process and takes two visits to the Hampton Beach Dentists clinic. 

  1. At your first visit, your tooth will be prepared by removing any damage or decay and space will be made for the crown.
  2. We take a scan of your tooth which we send to our laboratory and then you’ll go home with a temporary crown to protect your tooth. 
  3. Once your custom-made crown has been made by our trusted local laboratory, at your subsequent visit it will be securely bonded to your tooth to restore its size, shape and strength.

After preparing your tooth for a crown,  you might feel some sensitivity initially, however this should settle within a few days.  Similarly but less likely, at the visit where your crown is bonded , you may again experience some mild sensitivity over the following days.  For the first day, we advise that you avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods to let the crown settle.  

Making an informed decision

If you only have minor tooth decay, dental fillings might be your best option. The procedure can be completed in a single visit and is less costly than getting a dental crown.  

On the other hand, a crown may be necessary if there is significant damage to the tooth and its strength is compromised.  

At Hampton Beach Dentists, we will always provide you with clear explanations about your options so that you can make an informed decision when it comes to choices such as dental crowns vs fillings.

To make an appointment with one of our dentists, please call 03 9598 5666 or book online.